Monday, November 12, 2007

And another thing

Blogging is also useful when a significant part of the learning experience is process. It is a forum for students to track their experiences and how they are changing.

Students could blog about their internship experiences. What they are doing, what they are learning, how they are feeling.

I could assign students to write a poem. They are to post their poem on their blog and as they rewrite the poem they blog, not only their changes, but also how they feel about the process.

I could assign students to blog about skills they are learning in a particular course. Example Students are producing a tv show - they can blog about the different things they learn in the process and share their "helpful hints" with each other i.e. here's the best way to hook up the mike, be sure to use a tripod or this is what you'll get (insert link to youtube where you have posted your bad footage, use the mike from the media center rather than the built in mike etc..) This could work for any course where students acquire skills as part of a larger project.

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